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Blog —

Our Thoughts.

A collection of missives and messages, along with nerd talk and company carryings-on.

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Welcome to INPUT: What’s the Difference Between a Freelancer and an Agency?

By Gravity Forms

In this week’s episode of INPUT, Brad Miller, VP at 10up, discusses the differences between being a freelancer and running an agency, and shares his insight into how to make the transition.

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PayPal Checkout Add-On v2.2

PayPal Checkout Add-On 2.2 Release

By Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms is pleased to announce an update to our PayPal Checkout Add-On. This release sees a number of updates and fixes so make sure you update this add-on today! Find out more…

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Story Behind GF

Welcome to INPUT: The Story Behind Gravity Forms

By Gravity Forms

We are excited to announce the launch of a new project: INPUT! In our first ever episode, we share the story behind Gravity Forms, the origins of Rocketgenius, and the launch of our plugin.

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Gravity Forms 2.5.10

Brand New Release: Gravity Forms 2.5.10

By Gravity Forms

We are pleased to announce the release of Gravity Forms 2.5.10. With this update you will find a number of additions and fixes, including support for WordPress 5.8.1. Find out more…

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Polls Add-On v3.9

Polls Add-On v3.9 Release

By Gravity Forms

We are pleased to announce an update to our Polls Add-On. The focus of this release is compatibility with WordPress 5.8.1, as well as further support for Gravity Forms 2.5. Find out more…

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Welcome To INPUT: Gravity Forms Launches A WordPress Lifestyle YouTube Channel

By Gravity Forms

Press Release: Rocketgenius Inc., the makers of Gravity Forms, are launching a new WordPress Lifestyle brand called INPUT, served primarily through a new YouTube channel and podcast.

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Dropbox Add-On v3.0

Dropbox Add-On v3.0 Update

By Gravity Forms

We are pleased to announce an update to our Dropbox Add-On. Use this add-on to easily send form file uploads directly to your Dropbox account when a form is submitted. Find out more…

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Signature Add-On v4.1

Signature Add-On v4.1 Update

By Gravity Forms

We are pleased to announce an update to our Signature Add-On. With Gravity Forms and the Signature Add-On, you can quickly create professional forms that capture users’ signatures.

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Mollie Add-On v1.2

Mollie Add-On v1.2 Update

By Gravity Forms

We are pleased to announce an update to our Mollie Add-On. Find out more about this release and how Mollie can help you to increase your revenue and grow your business with online payments.

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Online Payments

The Ultimate Guide to Taking Payments on Your WordPress Website with Gravity Forms

By Gravity Forms

By way of a global pandemic, virtually every industry has been forced to move operations online. We’re proud to say that Gravity Forms has been mission critical to that digital migration.

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Activity Logs

How to Keep a Log of Changes in Website Forms and Gravity Forms Settings

By Gravity Forms

Learn about why an activity log of form activity is necessary on WordPress sites, how the WP Activity Log plugin works, what information it can track, and how to install it on your website.

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Gravity Forms 2.5.9

Brand New Release: Gravity Forms 2.5.9

By Gravity Forms

We are pleased to announce the release of Gravity Forms 2.5.9. With this latest release you will find a number of additions and fixes, including added security enhancements. Find out more…

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